My Idea toward the Eposide 01 - The Lady Vanishes

  Moral licensing, also known as a “gate of chance” is not operated by the major minorities who clenches the baton, but operated by the Silenced Majorities, who create a series of fog which contains serious pressure. Spontaneous access can only be possible if and only if ones with closed mouth agree to the fact that minority in one field do not create any discord but reconciliation. 

Elizabeth Thompson, Lady ButlerCalling the Roll After An Engagement, Crimea, 1874, Royal Collection

  What I want to add in this "idea" is my theory of upkeep, also named as "Public Pendulum". Unless the topic is controversial in a lopsided way, general public's stance toward such topic remains amid. The way to create a civil movement through such society is to "push the pendulum" toward the side which they want. This can be depicted with the example of Elizabeth Thomson. The door had been opened toward the first woman artist to be in the Black hall. This "incident" seems to carry on for a while.

  However, the pendulum cannot maintain its tilt and starts to move backward. If the earlier movement was radical, it tends to backdrop with greater speed and degree. Same example of Thomson can be used here to illustrate the ongoing situation back then. The aftermath of first success did not mean the sequence of hall of fame. Written in her autograph, she reminiscences that the public cheered her by another try out next time. However, she realized that it was their turn, the public's pendulum to close the door.

 I believe that my theory of "Public Pendulum" can be applied to the ongoing current of politics. Excluding the fact that Republicans are different from Democrats, it was not the politicians who decided Donald Trump for the President of the United States of America,  but the subconscious of the public moved by the intrinsic pendulum. Trump was the Outsider, who never done any actions related to politics, but the fact that he was the new face succeed to create a synergy with the greater half of the people's mind of moral licensing.  

 I believe that such chain of refusal cannot be exterminated until the public “gatekeeper” decides to give a great force to the opposite way known as the opening of the gate- for a certain amount of time. To illustrate the point, this filtering cannot be removed until the system itself driven by the larger quantity of population feels "safe." Fortunately, such examples are well shown in sports, where one is more evaluated by their ability but less by racial or sexual status. Even though different situations are applied in politics, as Malcolm Gladwell mentioned "quantity of participants", it will only affect the time duration toward the new standard of the pendulum, toward the majorities' acceptance of minorities. 


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