My idea toward the Episode 03 - The Big Man Can't Shoot

  Ant Hive creating a Spider Web

  As more and more devices and systems were invented throughout the world history, chances of social connection between people had been skyrocketed. This "link" between social members had contributed to several developments, like the variety of paradigms had stacked up scientific facts. However, I believe that this rate-increasing  phenomenon of social links generates a giant spider web that strangles "radical dreamers", or in other words, "enlightened ones."

Wilt Chamberlain, after scoring a hundredth point in one game

  Malcolm Gladwell explained individuals' 'Social Threshold' with the examples of sports figures. He listed Wilt Chamberlain, and Rick Barry; the two most famous NBA players who used the under-throwing method at foul throws. Excluding the physical difference between two figures, Chamberlain abjured his under-throw, while Barry kept his "Sissy" form. Gladwell points out that Chamberlain had a high threshold, which would not open unless all the other social members around him are opened. However, Barry was different from the vast majority of the public; Both he had experienced shame and surprise from the form, but his 'low threshold', also called as perfectionism, let him keep his own style.

  Unlike the examples from sports industry, I'd like to match this theory of 'social threshold' with the theory of Paradigm, suggested by Thomas Samuel Kuhn. His major idea was that general viewpoint in certain time point is suggested by certain Paradigm then. On this base of paradigm, scientists start to build up additional facts and ways to solve the questions created by the paradigm.

  Sometimes, however, there are some 'unacceptable' results appears among the scientist societies' experiment. In this state where 'radical' result appears, the conservative atmosphere among scientists doubts such results. This can be related to Mark Grenovetter's theory of social threshold, where scientists' high esteem and social network uplifts the level of such threshold. However, if this 'radical' result reappears in several different locations, it slowly undermines the 'closed' mind of scientists, leading them to create a new form of paradigm, which is more radical than just stacking up small facts based on the former base.

  This example suggested by several societies had same parts; they were 'the developed' society. Developed enough to create a group of, a chunk of the network among members to hold both the direction and the phenomenon. This 'public' enforces and entrenches social threshold of their own, building up more 'conservative' or 'less radical' stance. As this cycle continues, less and less chance of more efficient advancement comes up in front of them unless few 'radical' demolish them all.


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