
Showing posts from February, 2017

My idea toward the Episode 03 - The Big Man Can't Shoot

  Ant Hive creating a Spider Web   As more and more devices and systems were invented throughout the world history, chances of social connection between people had been skyrocketed. This "link" between social members had contributed to several developments, like the variety of paradigms had stacked up scientific facts. However, I believe that this rate-increasing  phenomenon of social links generates a giant spider web that strangles "radical dreamers", or in other words, "enlightened ones." Wilt Chamberlain, after scoring a hundredth point in one game   Malcolm Gladwell explained individuals' 'Social Threshold' with the examples of sports figures. He listed Wilt Chamberlain, and Rick Barry; the two most famous NBA players who used the under-throwing method at foul throws. Excluding the physical difference between two figures, Chamberlain abjured his under-throw, while Barry kept his "Sissy" form. Gladwell points out that

My Idea toward the Eposide 01 - The Lady Vanishes

  Moral licensing , also known as a “gate of chance” is not operated by the major minorities who clenches the baton, but operated by the Silenced Majorities, who create a series of fog which contains serious pressure. Spontaneous access can only be possible if and only if ones with closed mouth agree to the fact that minority in one field do not create any discord but reconciliation.  Elizabeth Thompson, Lady Butler ,  Calling the Roll After An Engagement, Crimea , 1874,  Royal Collection   What I want to add in this "idea" is my theory of upkeep, also named as "Public Pendulum". Unless the topic is controversial in a lopsided way, general public's stance toward such topic remains amid. The way to create a civil movement through such society is to "push the pendulum" toward the side which they want. This can be depicted with the example of Elizabeth Thomson. The door had been opened toward the first woman artist to be in the Black hall. T